2k20 Games

Privacy Policy

The aim of this policy is to inform you about the collection and processing of your data when you use our applications or browse our website. Our privacy policy is governed by certain principles that apply to the data we collect and process in order to create, publish, and monetize mobile games and applications, as well as to maintain our corporate website. This policy also serves to remind you of your rights and provide you with the necessary information to exercise them. If you have any questions regarding our privacy practices or this policy, please contact us.

What motivates us to collect data from our apps and games?

→  When you install and use our mobile applications, we may collect and process some of your data for legitimate purposes, such as providing you with the services you requested. To ensure transparency, we explain the reasons why we collect data and the legal bases we rely on in each case.

We collect data to provide you with the services you have requested, such as allowing you to access the next level after completing the first one. This data processing is strictly necessary for the requested service and therefore falls under a legitimate purpose.

We also collect data for analytics purposes to understand how users interact with our products and services, either through our own internal analytics tools or third-party partners. This data helps us improve our products and services by identifying, for example, which features may be causing issues for users or which levels may be too difficult for most gamers. In the case of third-party analytics, we require express consent from the user before sharing personal data with these partners. In the case of first-party analytics, we rely on legitimate interest.

Finally, we collect data to serve personalized advertising that is tailored to the preferences and interests of our users. This data processing is based on express consent from the user, which can be withdrawn at any time from the "settings" page in our various applications. Please note that even if you withdraw your consent, you will still be served with advertising, but it may be less relevant to you as it will not be tailored to your interests.

We take privacy seriously and want to ensure that our users understand our data collection and processing practices. If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What information does we gather from our applications and games?

♣  For all the purposes listed above the data that we collect is limited to:

The apps you are using

Your IP address

Your Mobile Advertising ID (Apple IDFA or Google AAID - which are technical identifiers developed by mobile operating systems for advertising purposes which remain under your control and can be reset or erased at any time in through your device settings) and device identifier (e.g., IDFV for iOS devices and Android ID for Android devices)

Information about the device you use and your connection (user agent, type of connection, timestamp, system language, device model, screen resolution and settings, battery level, available storage space, time zone, OS)

Data pertaining to your activities on our applications and notably the way in which you interact with our applications (for instance, how and when you use our applications) and with the advertising served in our applications (for instance, number of ads served, potential clicks)

With who may your data be shared & why?

♠  Protecting your personal data is important to us, and we will not share it with third parties unless we have obtained your prior consent, where required by applicable laws and regulations. If you have consented to the collection of data for advertising and analytics purposes, we may share the data listed above with certain categories of recipients.

These recipients may include ad partners who help us monetize the ad inventory of our apps, allowing us to provide users with free products and services. Our ad partners typically use their own tools, such as Software Development Kits or "SDK," to collect data. For your convenience, we provide a list of our partners who implement advertising SDKs through our applications and links to their privacy policies. These policies describe their practices and provide you with the means to exercise your rights directly with them.

We are committed to maintaining the privacy and security of your data, and we encourage you to review our privacy policy and the policies of our partners to better understand how your data is used and protected. If you have any questions or concerns about our data sharing practices, please contact us.

Mopub - https://www.mopub.com/en/legal/privacy

Chartboost - https://answers.chartboost.com/en-us/articles/200780269

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy

AdColony - https://www.adcolony.com/privacy-policy/

Unity Ads - https://unity3d.com/legal/privacy-policy

IronSource - https://developers.ironsrc.com/ironsource-mobile/air/ironsource-mobile-privacy-policy/

Security and other important information

♣  We respect your privacy and will not retain personal data collected, received, and processed for the purposes outlined in this policy for longer than necessary.

User level data is typically not kept for more than 13 months, except for data collected for the purpose of our first-party analytics tool. In this case, data may be stored for up to 25 months in compliance with the guidelines set forth by our Supervisory Data Protection Authority.

Our commitment to data retention is rooted in our respect for your privacy and our desire to keep your personal data safe and secure. If you have any questions or concerns about our data retention practices or privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Children's Privacy Policy: How We Keep Your Kids Safe Online

♦  We believe that protecting the privacy of children is of utmost importance, and we have a strict policy of not collecting personal data of any children under 16 years of age on our mobile apps and games.

Opting Out of Information Sales and Withdrawing Consent: What You Need to Know

♠  You have the ability to modify your consent preferences at any time through the Privacy Settings provided within our mobile games and applications.

It is important to note that while we do not sell personal information of our users, we may share it with third-party analytics and advertising companies to enhance and personalize your experience, as well as tailor the content and advertisements of our services. By doing so, we strive to improve your overall satisfaction with our products and services.